Who am I and why do I need your help for my research?


my name is Julia Hager, I'm 49 years old and I live in a cottage in the countryside of Nuremberg in Germany, together with my husband, my cat and my chickens. I am autistic and have ADHD.

I work at a global logistics company, leading their digital marketing (LinkedIn  Profile), and I also study full time in a semi-virtual bachelor degree program in digital psychology. I'm now in my final semester and my bachelor thesis is dedicated to my research area (special interest):

Turning the needle for Autists and neurodivergent adults in general. Helping to remove barriers and to pave the way for more inclusion and opportunities for us, so we can show our special skills and strengths.

Scientific psychological research is still very much focused on neurodivergent children and our weaknesses and shortcomings. Often the research is conducted by neurotypical research teams. I'd like to mix that up a little, add a new voice and a different perspective.

But I can't do it without YOU!

I need to find 8 people who agree to be interviewed by me. I know many of us don't really cherish the thought to talk to a stranger about topics we may feel vulnerable about. But all properly conducted scientific research and interviews always include:

  • full transparency of the process
  • your prior consent to everything (see here the data protection information, outlining exactly how your information will be handled)
  • anonymisation of any and all your personal details that could identify you or link you to the answers you gave 

so the only person who will know what you shared with me is me and I hope this page here helps to make me a little bit less of a stranger. I will also honour your gift of time with 10 Euros compensation.

Below you'll find out how you can participate in my study and the Q&A.

Let's improve advanced education for all Autists together

My Bachelor Thesis aims to explore how the experience of virtual, interactive digital learning in higher education* has changed for autistic adults after the year 2021.
The unprecedented uplift in both digital teaching technology and its expert use by instructors should have improved this learning experience for autistic adults. 


The insight how barriers and facilitators in this experience have changed for us, can help institutions of advanced learning to further improve their measures of inclusion and support for autistic students. 

For this qualitative research I am conducting semi-structured interviews with autistic adults, who have participated in a virtual, instructor-led, advanced learning course or program. After the grading, I will publish my paper in order to share this insight. How you can become a part of this:

Process, time plan and Q&A


  • Please kindly let me know that you would like to take part in my study get interviewed, and let me know any questions you may still have via email: juliahag@icloud.com
  • I will then reply and answer your questions, and suggest some time slots for the interview in September/October.
  • Once you reply with your preferred time slot, I will send you a meeting invite, either via Zoom, Discord or MS Teams, whichever you prefer. 
  • After the meeting you will receive the 10 Euros and I will anonymise your provided data for the use in my study.
  • Once my paper is graded I will be happy to share it with you, should you wish to read it.

Time plan: The interviews will take place between the 15th of September and the 15th of October


Do I have to have an official diagnosis of autism in order to participate?

No! Current research with Autists includes self-diagnosed Autists, because firstly, diagnosis is only necessary if we are facing issues/barriers with our neurodivergence and secondly, because in many countries the access to a diagnosis can take years and can be very expensive.

Do I have to fulfil any other conditions?

  • You should be aged 18 and above
  • You currently study virtually, part-time or full-time - or you have done so within the last four years 
  • .......in a virtual, instructor-led, advanced learning course or program (such as a university module or a training program to learn a new skill or vocational qualification) 

How and when will I receive the 10 Euros?

After our interview I will either send you an amazon gift card or send them to you via Paypal, whichever you prefer.

Does your study have an IRB/HSRB (Institutional Review Board/ Human Subjects Review Board) approval?

It will have the German equivalent of it. In Germany, the proposal for the research paper is submitted to the board once it is clear that it can take place (so once I have at least 8 participants), and the interviews can only take place after the study proposal is approved by the board. In Germany no research can even begin without this prior review and board approval.

Do I have to go on video during the interview call and how long will it take?

No you do not. While it would be nice to see you, I can fully relate to preferring to not share your video. The interview will take about 30 minutes, depending on how much you want to share with your answers. I will send an invite for one hour to remove any time pressure, but it will be over when you decide it is over. The audio of the meeting will be recorded, so I can transcribe your answers and ensure accuracy in my research, but the transcript will be anonymised and the audio will be deleted.

I don't want to participate in this study / interview, but I would like to support your research overall, how can I do that?

First of all - thank you. I will conduct more research in this area which may make use of other research methods, such as a simple online survey. It would be great if you would give me the permission to add your email (by sending me your email) to a list of people who are open to be sent such a survey request in the future. 

Can you share the kind of questions you will ask during the interview, so I can prepare?

Yes, sure! There are five questions on how you think teaching technology has improved for us (e.g. MS Teams, Zoom, Learning Platforms etc.), and whether or not teachers use them better.
Then there are four questions on new (or still existing) barriers that make it harder for us and, likewise, things that make it easier. And finally there is one question on your personal preference and opinion. 


(*higher education = education at a college or university where subjects are studied at an advanced level (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/)

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